Led by Sogan Rinpoche and Lingtrul Rinpoche and supported by the prayers and generosity of our Sangha, the animal release ceremony was held on May 31, 2021. 575 goats were purchased at live auction and saved from slaughter. At the beginning of the ceremony the goats were blessed and at the conclusion, auspicious prayers and dedications were recited by Sogan Rinpoche and Lingtrul Rinpoche.
The goats were released to the Bay Area family business, "Goats R Us," run by Terri and Egon Oyarzùn who have dedicated their lives to caring for animals and who will care for them for the rest of their natural lives. The goats will work to reduce wildfire danger in California hillsides by clearing brush. More information about "Goats R Us" can be found on their website at Thank you to everyone for your generosity and support of this year's animal release.
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